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Michele Antonio Ziccheddu, theologian and iconographer - Santu Jacu Academy
Michele Antonio Ziccheddu, theologian and iconographer - Santu Jacu Academy
Michele Antonio Ziccheddu, theologian and iconographer - Santu Jacu Academy
Michele Antonio Ziccheddu, theologian and iconographer - Santu Jacu Academy
Michele Antonio Ziccheddu, theologian and iconographer - Santu Jacu Academy
Michele Antonio Ziccheddu, theologian and iconographer - Santu Jacu Academy

             Michele Antonio Ziccheddu

Baccalaureate in Theology obtained at the Theological Faculty of Emilia Romagna with
the thesis entitled: Dark cloud. Contemplation and darkness between philosophy, theology and mysticism.
a.y. 2008-2009. 
Licentiate in Fundamental and Dogmatic Theology obtained at the Pontifical Faculty
Theology of Sardinia with the thesis entitled: Image of God, image of man.
The icon between theology, anthropology and art. a.y. 2017-2018.

Other educational experiences
Theoretical course of Christian Iconography at the Studium Teologicum Francescanum, Bologna
2005-2006, professor prof. G. Pellegrini. Courses and practical workshops of Christian Iconography
at the Franciscan Convent of S. Antonio and Convent of the Observance in Bologna.
Study trip to Mount Athos, Greece, where he has the opportunity to study the works of
main masters who painted the Orthodox churches and monasteries of the Holy Mountain,
including Manuel Panselinos and Theophanes the Cretan, and to confront some monks
Iconographers, August 2006.
Study trip to Greece, visit and study of the frescoes of the Cretan school in the monasteries
of the Meteors. Athens, stay for study and discussion with the monks and nuns of the school
of iconography, October 2015. Study visit to the Byzantine Museum of Athens and lectio to the students
of the school of iconography on the theology of the icon.
From 2006 to today, he has also participated in study days, conventions and conferences on topics
related to theology and iconography.

Other assignments

Professor of Christian iconography at the Civic Museum of Art in Modena, from 2008 to
Professor of Christian iconography at the Monastery of San Pietro di Sorres from 2011 until
Professor of Christian iconography at the school of Sacred Art "Accademia Santu Jacu" from
2014 to date.
From 2006 to today, he has held workshops, seminars and short training courses in Sardinia and in
various parts of Italy.

Speaker at the spirituality meetings of the icon: spiritual exercises December 2012 (three
meetings), Monastery of San Pietro di Sorres.
Speaker at the icon spirituality meetings: Lent 2013 (three meetings) Parish of St
Peter the Apostle, Seventh St. Peter (CA).
Speaker at the Easter Triduum with icons: Easter 2013 Monastery of San Pietro di Sorres.
Speaker at the icon spirituality meetings: Advent 2013 (three meetings) Parrocchia San
Peter the Apostle, Seventh St. Peter (CA).
Speaker at icon spirituality meetings: Meditations with Marian icons (four
meetings) May 2014, Sanctuary of Our Lady of Bonaria (Ca).
Speaker at icon spirituality meetings: Meditations with Marian icons (four
meetings) May 2015, Sanctuary of Our Lady of Bonaria (Ca).
Speaker for the conference "Acheropita": the relationship between the Shroud and the Icon, in
collaboration with the Delegation for Sardinia of the International Center of
Sindonology of Turin, Mandas, 12 April 2015.
Speaker at the conference “Acheropita. The Icon and the Shroud between science, history and
theology". Sanctuary of the B.V. Assumption, Guasila, 21 February 2016.
Speaker at icon spirituality meetings: Meditations with Marian icons (four
meetings) Sanctuary of the B.V. Assunta, Guasila, April 2016.
Speaker on the occasion of the feast of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, at the Orthodox Community
Romanian, church of San Sepolcro, Cagliari 5 March 2017.
Speaker at icon spirituality meetings: Meditations with Marian icons in
preparation for the Solemnity of the Assumption (three meetings) Sanctuary of the B.V. Assumption, Guasila
August 2017.
Speaker at the icon spirituality meeting: Lectio of the icon of the Dormitio Mariae,
prayer vigil in preparation for the Solemnity of the Assumption, Cathedral of San Pantaleo,
Dolianova, 13 August 2017.
Speaker at the Mariology Conference organized by the Diocese of Conversano - Monopoli, in
occasion of the celebrations for the nine hundredth anniversary of the arrival of the Icon of the Virgin of the
Madia, Patroness of the Diocese. Title of the report: Marian iconography in tradition
Byzantine. Monopoly, November 17, 2017.
Speaker at the meetings of the school of prayer with icons: Advent 2017 (four meetings)
Daughters of Charity - Kindergarten of the Navy, Cagliari.
Speaker for the Seminar of study, in-depth analysis and reflection on the relationship between
the iconography and image of the Shroud of Turin. Daughters of Charity - Provincial House,
Cagliari 4 March 2018.
Speaker at meetings of the school of prayer with icons: Lent 2018 (four
meetings) Daughters of Charity - Kindergarten of the Navy, Cagliari.
Speaker at icon spirituality meetings: Lent 2019 (four meetings) Parish
Santa Caterina D'Alessandria - Abbasanta.
Speaker at the Easter Triduum with icons: Easter 2019 Monastery of San Pietro di Sorres
Speaker at the icon spirituality meetings: Advent 2019 (four meetings) Parish
Santa Caterina D'Alessandria - Abbasanta.

Icon. Introduction to the theology and art of the icon. YCP, Lecce 2018.

Image of God, image of man. The icon between theology, anthropology and art.YCP,
Lecce 2018.

Author of the Christian iconography column for L'Arborense, weekly of the Diocese of
Oristano, twenty-one articles published from September 2016 to July 2017.

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